So the life in a new house (our first home, YAY!) has been interesting...2 countries of stuff to fit into one house takes creativity when it comes to storage solutions. Sure, I could run to the local DIY store and pick up the latest and greatest in organizational solutions, but what fun would that be?
Just after New Year's, Mom and I ran across this stuff.

Maybe you've seen them?
Downey Unstopables They're in the detergent aisle and they're fun. But I digress.
We gave them a try and I had this empty bottle staring at me just begging me to do something with it. Now, call me anal, but even completely clean I wasn't going to stick snacks for the shorties in there. Did that stop me? Nope.
So I pulled off the label and stuck all 3 pieces in the dishwasher (top rack). What came out was this...

And you know what it looked like to me?

The world's greatest colored pencil corral. Fits like a dream in a diaper bag for my daughter and it's clear so she can see all the pencils that are in there.

The cap has an opening big enough to easily get the pencils in and out, too.
I love this. I need more. And those ridges look like the perfect canvas for some chalkboard paint or Mod Podge. With all the craft supplies in this house, I foresee lots of cute Unstopable containers in my future.
BTW, I'm not naive enough to think my 4 yr old will keep her pencils in here all nice and tidy, but a mom can dream, right?